Shocking new research by End Child Poverty has found that almost a third of children in Bournemouth West are living in poverty.
Across the country 4.2 million children, about 29%, are living in poverty. The report by End Child Poverty highlights the impacts of housing costs and the rise in in-work poverty. Child poverty has dramatically increased in some areas of the UK since 2014/5.
Jessica Toale, Labour Parliamentary candidate for Bournemouth West said:
"There is no more damning an indictment than the rise in child poverty in this country under the last 13 years of Conservative rule.
"In Bournemouth West, almost one-third of children are living in poverty - more than 5000 children.
"We need a Labour government that will prioritise our children, their families and their well-being."
Read the full report here: https://endchildpoverty.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Local-indicators-of-child-poverty-after-housing-costs_Final-Report-3.pdf